Helping Disabled Workers Nationwide Secure and Keep Their Benefits

A disability can make it extremely hard to earn a living and support your family. Even if you’re receiving Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) or Supplemental Security Income (SSI), these benefits are difficult to secure and easy to lose if you start earning more money.

Return to Work

If you currently receive SSI or SSDI and want to maximize your benefits through the Ticket to Work (TTW) program, we can:

  • Provide free career and benefits counseling matching your capabilities
  • Create a customized resume
  • Practice interview with you to overcome challenging questions
  • Protect your cash and medical benefits (Medicare) from CDRs (Continuing Disability Reviews) while your Ticket to Work is assigned

Apply for Disability

If you cannot work and wish to apply for SSDI or SSI, we can:

  • Accurately submit your application or appeal for your benefits
  • Assist you in completing complicated disability forms
  • Submit medical documentation to establish that your condition meets the Social Security Administration’s definition of a disability
  • Document your assets and resources (if you are applying for SSI)
  • Advocate for you at an administrative hearing and submit hearing briefs
  • Navigate the appeals process ongoing to secure your benefits

Let Us Help You Secure and Protect Your Benefits

Our Ticket to Work services are available at no cost to you, while our SSI or SSDI application services are paid from a percentage of the back pay you receive after your application is approved.

We can help you get started for free. Call us today at (888) 689-6760 to get answers to all your questions, or fill out our online contact form to request a call back.