The answer depends on how much money you earn. Disability Services of America is an approved Employment Network (EN), and our highly skilled case managers will make sure that your rights are protected if you go back to work.

Trial Work Period for Social Security Disability Recipients

If you are receiving Social Security disability (SSDI) benefits, you will be subject to what is known as a Trial Work Period (TWP). During this period, you can test your ability to work while still receiving your benefits.

The TWP lasts for nine months. The nine months do not have to be consecutive but should occur within 60 months. Any month you earn more than the Social Security Administration’s (SSA’s) monthly earnings counts as one of your nine TWP months. The monthly earnings change annually. For example, in 2023, any month you earn more than $1,050 will count as one of your nine TWP months. If you earn less than $1,050 in a month, that month will not count towards your TWP.

Once you have completed your TWP, you will enter what is known as an Extended Period of Eligibility (EPE). During the EPE, you can continue to receive your SSDI benefits as long as your earnings are below what is known as the Substantial Gainful Activity (SGA) level. Substantial gainful activity changes annually. In 2023, the SGA level is $1,470 per month unless you are blind and then the SGA level is $2.460. If your earnings exceed the SGA level, your benefits will stop.

However, even if your benefits stop because your earnings exceed the SGA level, you may still be eligible for what is known as an Expedited Reinstatement of Benefits (EXR). This means that if you become unable to work again due to your disability, you can have your benefits reinstated without having to go through the application process again.

Different rules apply if you receive Supplemental Security Income (SSI).

Talk to Disability Services of America Before Going Back to Work

Our experienced case managers want to help you. We will answer your questions, so you know what to expect before you return to work. Please complete our online contact form or call us directly to learn more.