
We Help SSI and SSDI Beneficiaries Transition to the Workforce, Improving Quality of Life and Life Expectancy

For people receiving Supplemental Security Income (SSI) or Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI), the idea of working or returning to work can be daunting. However, research shows that employment offers numerous benefits beyond financial gain. Working can positively impact your physical and mental well-being—and as a Ticket to Work participant, you can test your ability to work without having to worry about losing crucial disability benefits.

As a Social Security Administration-approved Employment Network, Disability Services of America provides wide-ranging services for people with severely disabling medical conditions that prevent substantial gainful employment. Not only do we help qualifying clients apply for—and secure—the SSI or SSDI benefits they need and deserve, but we also help disability recipients rejoin the workforce through the Ticket to Work program.

We’ve seen firsthand how working even part-time can help improve clients’ independence, quality of life, and overall health. Join us as we explore the many benefits of work for SSI and SSDI recipients.

Mental Health Boost: How Working Can Help Fight Depression and Anxiety

Anxiety and depression are common among people with severe disabilities. Fortunately, working provides structure, purpose, and socialization, all of which can significantly improve mental health. For SSI and SSDI beneficiaries, working even part time can:

  • Reduce isolation. Interacting with colleagues fosters a sense of belonging and community, combating feelings of loneliness often associated with disability.
  • Boost self-esteem. Don’t get bogged down with low self-esteem. Accomplishing work-related tasks can increase confidence and self-worth, counteracting negative self-perceptions.
  • Decrease mental health symptoms. Studies show that employment may reduce symptoms of depression and anxiety, leading to improved overall mental well-being.

Considering that mental health is critical to overall well-being, getting a job and testing your ability to work part- or full-time could be the mental boost you’ve been waiting for! 

Physical Health Improvements: Increasing Mobility and Longevity

For SSI and SSDI recipients who are used to having to restrict their physical activities due to disability, the idea of getting a first-time job or returning to work can seem counterintuitive. However, contrary to popular belief, working may actually enhance aspects of physical health for many people with disabilities by:

  • Increasing mobility. Most jobs require some type of physical movement. Fortunately, regular movement associated with work can help maintain or even improve physical function, potentially slowing the progression of certain conditions. 
  • Lengthening life expectancy. Research by the Social Security Administration (SSA) indicates that even part-time work might increase life expectancy for people with disabilities, highlighting the long-term health benefits of employment.
  • Improving overall health. A job helps you get into a routine, which can lead to better sleep patterns, improved nutrition, and increased physical activity—all of which contribute to enhanced overall health.

How much longer could working help you live? Enter your gender and date of birth into the SSA’s Life Expectancy Calculator to find out!

The Ticket to Work Program: A Path to Meaningful and Fulfilling Employment

Often, even SSDI and SSI beneficiaries who would like to work are hesitant to do so for fear of losing essential benefits. The Ticket to Work program makes this concern a thing of the past. This free and voluntary work-incentive program from the SSA allows disability recipients to test their working ability and gain vital skills to help them succeed in the workforce while maintaining crucial benefits.

Ticket to Work provides valuable support for every stage of your journey to employment. Take advantage of free services like:

  • Career counseling. Get personalized guidance to help you find suitable employment that aligns with your abilities and interests. We don’t just want to help you find a job—we want to help you find meaningful and fulfilling work that’s right for you.
  • Benefits counseling with Community Partner Work Incentive Coordinators. Receive individualized guidance on how employment may affect your Social Security disability benefits so you can make an informed decision about returning to work.
  • Employment goal development. Brainstorm with our experts to identify and set realistic and achievable goals for your transition to the workforce. 
  • Individualized work plan creation. Get help developing a customized roadmap that outlines specific employment goals and the services or supports you’ll need to achieve success and self-sufficiency through the Ticket program.
  • Resumé development and interview practice. Our experts help you create a resumé that showcases your skills and appeals to your ideal employer. We also prepare you for job interviews by hosting practices so you approach the task with added confidence. 
  • Labor market research. Position yourself for success in the workforce with an in-depth analysis of current employment trends, job opportunities, and industry demands. This research helps you make informed career choices and increase your chances of finding suitable employment.
  • EEOC and ADA rights advocacy. Learn how to navigate your EEOC and ADA rights in the workplace ensuring that it’s a good fit for your needs.
  • Job training. Access skill-building opportunities to further your goals and enhance your employability. 
  • Job placement and development. Get expert help finding suitable employment and learn how to increase your value at your company.
  • Ongoing employment support. Enjoy continuous assistance throughout your employment journey, such as job coaching, workplace accommodations, and career counseling, which can help you maintain employment and advance in your career.

Financial Benefits: Beyond Your Disability Payments

While health improvements are crucial, the financial aspect of working cannot be overstated. The Social Security Administration (SSA) offers tools to help you understand the monetary benefits of employment, such as:

  • SSA calculator. Use this tool to see how working can increase your overall income while receiving SSDI or SSI benefits.
  • Trial work period. Explore employment without immediately losing your benefits so you can test your ability to work without worry.
  • Extended period of eligibility. Understand how you can continue receiving benefits for months when your income falls below substantial gainful activity (SGA) levels.

Quality of Life Enhancements: A Holistic Approach

For SSI and SSDI recipients who’ve longed for a better quality of life, working even part-time could be the “Ticket.” Participating in the Ticket to Work program leads to a wide variety of quality-of-life improvements, including:

  • Social connections. Building meaningful relationships with colleagues not only benefits your career but also expands your social network.
  • Cognitive stimulation. Engaging in mentally stimulating, work-related tasks can help keep your brain—and cognitive functions—going strong.
  • Sense of achievement. Experiencing the satisfaction of a job well done, achieving personal goals, and reducing your reliance on disability benefits boosts your overall well-being.

Overcoming Challenges: Support for Every Stage of Your Employment Journey

While the benefits of working are clear, it’s important to acknowledge that returning to work often presents challenges for people with disabilities. Fortunately, Disability Services of America offers comprehensive support to help you navigate this transition. We’re here for you—and we’re eager to help you succeed and reap the benefits of returning to the workforce.

Participating in Ticket to Work: Assigning Your Ticket 

Are you ready to test your working ability? Signing up to participate in Ticket to Work is as simple as contacting our Employment Network. We’ll review your eligibility, notify the Social Security Administration, and help you get started—you don’t even have to wait for a physical “ticket.”

If you’re ready to experience the physical, mental, and financial advantages of employment without worrying about immediately losing your SSI or SSDI benefits, you’ve come to the right place. Disability Services of America is ready to guide you through every stage of this challenging, but rewarding, journey. Our nationwide Employment Network can help you navigate the Ticket to Work program and find meaningful employment that improves your overall well-being. Don’t let fear hold you back from improving your quality of life and life expectancy. Make the first move toward a healthier, happier you—today!